What Thanksgiving Means to buildOn

We asked our diverse buildOn staff and students what they are thankful for this year. What are you thankful for this year? Leave your response in our comments section.

What We Are Thankful For

I am thankful for my family and my friends because they are always there for me. – Shassel Correa, sophomore, Schurz High School, Chicago

I am thankful for my family, friends, and my health. – Indira Pierce, Youth Engagement Zone Program Manager, Detroit

I’m thankful for waking up every morning in a warm house and bed. I’m thankful for having the opportunity to go to a nice school. I’m also thankful for having a family that supports, love and cares about me. I’m also thankful for not being homeless and having clothes through the seasons. – Charne Henderson, sophomore, Martin Luther King High School, Detroit

I’m thankful for my life and everyone in it. I’m thankful for loving, caring friends and family. I’m thankful for waking up every morning. I’m thankful for the love I receive each and every day. I’m thankful that I’m blessed and saved. I’m thankful just for being here. – A’jhane Moron, sophomore, Martin Luther King High School, Detroit

I’m thankful for my time with my family, because I usually sleep over, I get to be in my pajamas the next day and eat leftovers. I stay up and watch movies. I’m super happy to be with people I’m comfortable with. – Monica Juarez, Program Coordinator, Chicago

I’m thankful for my mom, dad and others. I’m thankful for God waking me up each day and my family for not giving up on me. Having a roof over my head. Also, for courage I have toward others. I’m just thankful for living on this earth every day. – Angel Studvent, sophomore, Martin Luther King High School, Detroit

I’m thankful that I’m alive and that I have a family. I’m thankful that I found buildOn! – Phuong Huynh, sophomore at Chicago’s Schurz High School

I’m thankful for our students. They give me hope. – Carrie Pena, National Director of Communications

I am thankful for my baby brother and the family that I have; also, for the home that I live in. – Rafael Cruz, senior, Schurz High School, Chicago

I’m thankful for life, mostly. I’m thankful for having a married mother and father. I’m happy to have a family who loves me and encourages me to strive. I’m thankful for everything I have because I know there are some people out there who wish they had what I have. – Terri Battles, sophomore, Martin Luther King High School, Detroit