Inspiration for Our Instagram Contest

By Mina Kang

We’re excited to have launched our first Instagram Photo Contest. We hope you’re having a blast behind the camera lens. In the meantime, we wanted to share some inspiration for taking some awesome photos. Give these ideas a try and capture an inspiring story!

1. Go out on the street and see what people are doing. Sidewalks or street corners may surprise you. Whether it’s a big sister walking her siblings home or someone helping fix a stranger’s flat tire, a beautiful moment may be right in front of you.
2. Ask your friends who inspires them and go meet them. Ask your friend to put you in touch with that person and take a portrait!
3. Visit your city’s favorite local establishments. Take a snapshot of the compassion and love the workers at these places give back to the community.
4. Bring your phone with you while you volunteer and do service. Capture that service in action!
5. Shadow someone in a profession that you respect for a day. If you’ve always dreamt of being a doctor or an engineer, ask someone in that field to let you shadow them for a day. Watch them at work and snap some photos.

Have fun, and we look forward to all of your submissions!